by Cedric Pinson / @trigrou
Micro geometry
Light is reflected
Refracted light is absorbed
Light is reflected
Light is refracted
Diffuse / Specular
F: Fresnel (F_Schlick)
D: Normal distribution function (D_GGX)
G: Geometry function (G_SmithGGX)
Use enfironment as lightsource
precompute irradiance [1]
cubemap / spherical harmonics
for ( int i = 0; i < nbSamples; i++ ) {
vec2 u = getSample(i);
vec3 h = importanceSampleCos(u);
vec3 l = h;
vec3 dir = iblTransform * l;
vec3 env = textureCubeLod( ibl, dir, 0.0 );
contrib += env / PI;
prefilter roughness or more [2]
importance sampling [3]
for ( int i = 0; i < nbSamples; i++ ) {
vec2 u = getSample(i);
vec3 h = importanceSampleGGX(u);
vec3 l = reflect(v, h);
float g = g_smithGGX( roughness, NoV, NoL);
vec3 f = f_schlick( f0, NoH);
float d = d_ggx( NoH, roughness);
vec3 dir = iblTransform * l;
vec3 env = textureCubeLod( ibl, dir, 0.0 );
contrib += env * g * f * d / ( 4.0 * NoV * NoL );
Use texture lod as approximation
Need to use something like RGBE [8]
Need to do trilinear manually
Can't use once cubemap
Can use multi cubemap [9]
// Ok, this is ugly, but there is an explanation ...
vec3 ComputeEnvColor(float roughness, vec3 refl)
float a = roughness * roughness * 6.0;
if ( a < 1.0)
return mix(textureCube(envMap0, refl).rgb, textureCube(envMap1, refl).rgb, a);
if ( a < 2.0)
return mix(textureCube(envMap1, refl).rgb, textureCube(envMap2, refl).rgb, a - 1.0);
if ( a < 3.0)
return mix(textureCube(envMap2, refl).rgb, textureCube(envMap3, refl).rgb, a - 2.0);
if ( a < 4.0)
return mix(textureCube(envMap3, refl).rgb, textureCube(envMap4, refl).rgb, a - 3.0);
if ( a < 5.0)
return mix(textureCube(envMap4, refl).rgb, textureCube(envMap5, refl).rgb, a - 4.0);
return textureCube(envMap5, refl).rgb;
code from alexandre pestana [9]
No ARB_seamless_cube_map extension [10]
AMD cubemap gen has code to fixup [1]
image from Ignacio Castaño post [12]
Can use panorama with lod inline
Panorama suffer from pole low resolution
vec4 computeUVForMipmap( const in float level, const in vec2 uv, const in vec2 size, const in float maxLOD ) {
float widthForLevel = pow( 2.0, maxLOD-level);
// the height locally for the level in pixel
vec2 sizeForLevel = vec2( widthForLevel, widthForLevel - 2.0 ); // -2.0 avoid bleeding on the top
// globally the texture is square so width = height for texture size
float globalOffsetVInTexel = size.x - sizeForLevel.x; // in texel
float oneOnSizeX = 1.0 / size.x;
// we will need to transform our original uv to the mipmap level space
vec2 ratio = sizeForLevel * oneOnSizeX;
// u = u * ratioU
// v = v * ratioV + offsetY / height
vec2 uvGlobal = uv * ratio;
float globalOffsetV = globalOffsetVInTexel * oneOnSizeX;
uvGlobal.y += globalOffsetV;
// zw contains the max box of the local mip level
return vec4( uvGlobal.x, uvGlobal.y, ratio.x, ratio.y + globalOffsetV );
Panorama example
Sketchfab siggraph prototype [11]